Curved Carbon Inline Skating Frames
Over the last decade, carbon inline skating frames have grown in popularity. We have a lot of admiration for EO frames for being the first company to mass produce carbon inline skating frames but we felt that their frame could be improved upon in two key areas.
Bont Supercell inline speed skating frame
#1 The frame design
The EO inline skating carbon frame has some very wide parts and some very narrow parts of the frame. We believe that the frame is only as strong as its weakest part so we designed the Bont frame with a uniform thickness all the way down the shaft of the frame. Connecting the wheels to the inline boot mounting points without using excess carbon.
There are a number of carbon frames entering the market where the frame has been designed like an aluminum frame. These frames do not take advantage of the strengths of carbon fiber.

Bont Supercell inline speed skating frame side profile
#2 Straight vs curved sidewalls
Whenever we use carbon fiber for any purpose, we always try to curve it. Straight carbon can flex where as curved carbon is a lot stronger. The problem with designing an inline frame with curved walls is that you need to be able to remove the tool once the carbon has set. This requires a tooling with a lot of engineering and costs. A frame with straight walls is much simpler to design and cheaper to produce.
When we set out to design the Supercell inline skating frame, we knew that we did not want flat sidewalls and that it would be an engineering challenge to work out how to design the tool for this inline skating frame. We met the challenge and produced the very complicated tool and we are very happy to have produced the frame with the highest strength to weight ratio in the world.